Février 2025 : Mission gestion pour 4 ONG congolaises à Kindu RDC
Jean François, expert AVe entouré des responsables des ONG de Kindu
Audit gestion réalisé pour 4 ONG locales de Kindu
Jean François, expert AVe spécialisé dans la gestion d’entreprises et ayant une forte expérience en Afrique a effectué un déplacement de 2 semaines à Kindu à l’Est de la RDC pour réaliser un audit de la gestion de chacune de 4 ONG locales. Ce sont des associations regroupant des communautés villageoises ayant leurs activités dans des domaines divers : agriculture, éducation, santé … La mission a été intense et a répondu aux attentes des responsables des 4 associations, ce qui va leur permettre de solliciter des bailleurs de fonds pour poursuivre leurs activités. |
Janvier 2025 : Assemblée générale d’AVe à Rennes
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Ave tient son assemblée générale annuelle dès le début 2025 en présentiel
Bonne participation à notre assemblée générale qui s’est tenue à Rennes dès début janvier. Gros changement par rapport aux années précédentes : on est en présentiel. Ça a été l’occasion de constater que notre activité a fortement augmenté en 2024 et que les perspectives pour 2025 sont bonnes. C’est aussi un moment convivial où chaque expert a rendu compte de ses missions. |
AVe, depuis sa création, a réalisé 190 missions
de transfert de compétences
Novembre 2024 : Participation d’AVe au SELAB (Sommet de l’Elevage d’Abidjan) Côte d’Ivoire)
Bernard, expert AVe, a animé une conférence
sur la biosécurité en élevage de porc
Deux experts d’AVe participent au SELAB avec plusieurs partenaires Français de l’Elevage
Bernard, expert AVe en élevage de porc et Daniel, expert Ave en élevage bovin ont participé au SELAB sur un stand commun avec plusieurs partenaires français de l’élevage : IFIP (Institut Français du Porc), AXIOM, leader français de la Génétique porcine, CFC (Celtic Freight Consulting), UNIPORC. Pendant trois jours, ils ont rencontré plusieurs éleveurs ivoiriens et des acteurs des filières porc et lait de Côte d’Ivoire. Bernard a animé une conférence sur la biosécurité en élevage de porc. Lire la suite |
November 2024: Inauguration of a maternity hospital and dispensary in Djilas, Senegal
Eric, Mother Marie José and various
personalities for the inauguration |
A 2-year construction project managed by AVe
A 2-year construction project managed by AVe
Eric, our building design specialist, has followed every stage of this project over the past 2 years: from the initial discussions with the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Thomas de Villeneuve, the project's sponsor, to the inauguration of the maternity hospital and dispensary on November 30, 2024. The buildings were completed in September 2024. Already 40 births had taken place.
August 2024 : AVe pork expertise mission for the Ivory Coast Ministry of Livestock
Gilbert,Bernard and the PROPORC team in charge of multiplication breeding
Intervention on a Ministry multiplication farm
The agreement between the Ivory Coast's MIRAH (Ministry of Livestock) and AVe provides for AVe pig specialists to support a Ministry multiplication farm with around 100 sows (purebred breeding stock), as well as a number of pig farms monitored by the Ministry. Bernard and Gilbert were away for a week in August. They arrived in a context of ASF (African Swine Fever). As a result, their intervention was limited to the multiplication farm. This is currently being set up. In November 2023, AXIOM delivered some fifty purebred breeding animals, which were placed in temporary premises pending the construction of breeding buildings suitable for professional breeding. The AVe experts' recommendations focused mainly on the biosafety measures to be scrupulously observed, the layout of the building under construction, and preparation for the farrowings due to take place in the coming month. Other interventions will follow. It is imperative that this multiplication farm functions properly, as it will produce selected breeding stock that will be sold to the country's pig farms. This is the basis of the future Ivorian pork industry, which is being set up today. |
April/August 2024 : AVe supports new investors in pig farming in Africa
For each pig project, a building plan adapted to the size of the farm |
Several agreements signed for pork projects in various African countries
Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Liberia, Senegal: projects to set up pig farms are appearing in several African countries. Thanks to an agreement with AXIOM (the French leader in pig genetics) and the distribution of the “Guide de l'éleveur de porc en Afrique”, AVe is now called on to support these farmers in the implementation of their installation projects. Drawing up a plan for the farm buildings, a business plan that answers the questions: “How much does it cost? “How much does it bring in? These are the terms of agreements signed with various investors from Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Liberia and Senegal. The projects involve medium to small-scale farms (from 50 farrow-to-finish sows to 15 farrow-to-finish sows). All these new investors want to set up professional farms with an economic objective for themselves and their countries (to reduce pork imports, which account for 80% of the pork consumed in their countries. |
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April 2024 : AVe prospecting mission in Cameroon
Exchange with officials (mayor, traditional chief...) Kitkot future dam area |
AVe president meets partners (current, former, future) in Cameroon Cameroon is the African country where Ave has intervened most often over the past 10 years. The purpose of the visit by Louis, President of AVe, was to meet “face to face” with the partners we know well through the support we provide, as well as with new contacts seeking our expertise. These direct exchanges are fruitful, as they enable us to better identify needs and respond to them later on. On the week's agenda :
April 2024 : Pig farm audits in Ivory Coast
Gilbert during an audit, “in biosafety gear” (overalls, boots, cap) renewed for each farm.
About ten Ivorian pig farms audited by two AVe experts prior to the introduction of High Genetic Value breeding stock
Under the framework agreement between AVe and AXIOM (France's leading swine genetics company), it is agreed that AVe will carry out audits on farms that are to receive swine breeding stock of high genetic value, prior to their introduction. This is what Gilbert and Bernard did for a week in Côte d'Ivoire in April 2024. These audits provide each breeder with a roadmap adapted to his farm to ensure the successful introduction of breeding stock. This preliminary action is essential in African countries where ASF (African Swine Fever) is present everywhere. The roadmap specifies not only biosecurity measures for each breeder, but also the actions to be taken to improve breeding performance. |
Mars 2024 : AVe, a partner in the development of the pork industry in Ivory Coast
signing of the agreement with the Côte d'Ivoire Minister of Livestock |
Framework agreement between the Ivory Coast Ministry of Livestock and AVe
On March 1, 2024, taking advantage of the Ivory Coast Minister of Livestock's visit to the Salon de l'Agriculture in Paris, a framework agreement was signed with AVe specifying our involvement in the PRO PORC program (MIRAH's pork industry development program). The signing took place on the premises of IFIP (Institut Français de l'Interprofession Porcine), which has also signed an agreement with MIRAH. With IFIP, we work together to ensure that our interventions are complementary. |
Framework agreement between the Côte d'Ivoire Ministry of Livestock and AVe
February 2024 : project management assistance mission in Cameroon
Renovation of a hospital in northern Cameroon An agreement has been signed between the Christian Aurenche - Tokombéré Foundation and AVe to provide Eric, an AVe expert specializing in building construction, for the renovation of the Tokombéré hospital in northern Cameroon. The foundation is supporting the "health" component of a more global project, the Tokombéré Human Promotion Project (PPHT), in an area where living conditions are extremely difficult. The health component includes preventive and primary care in the villages and a 150-bed hospital. This hospital needs to be completely renovated. |