International volunteer assistance to sustainable development projects

Useful information for YOU, expertise applicants
  OIPBKOUVAB3   This simple procedure favors direct exchange betweenyou and us.

You will find all possible interventions by carefully reading the section : Our skills 

First, we recommend direct contact:

These exchanges will allow you to clearly and precisely answer your questions (including the budget).

They are free of charge (phone - WhatsApp – emails - Skype) and may be at your convenience in French or English.

Then, we suggest you to fill in the expertise request  form, so that AVe precisely identifies the mission to accomplish and chooses the most qualified expert to perform it.

The last step is the signing of an agreement between you and AVe. The various articles of the agreement detail the reciprocal commitments of the two partners. The agreement is the reference document for our future collaboration. It is signed by the three parties : you, the AVe President and the expert.

The agreement is an comittment contract between AVe, an expert and the expertise applicant. It can be cancelled at anytime if necessary.   








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